International Scientific Pedagogical Organization of Philologists


Pedagogical Forum in Italy

   International Pedagogical Forum

Forum mission:
- building an innovative model of continuous improvement of pedagogical competencies of teachers of Russian as a foreign language and teachers in the Russian language in the conditions of distance learning in the context of solving the strategic task of promoting Russian abroad.

The purpose of the forum:
- formation of the educational environment on the organization of continuous and different aspects of distance learning of Russian as a foreign language and on teaching in Russian in foreign countries by means of introduction and approbation of new actual methods of open education in Russian and teaching of Russian in the conditions of system of full distance education, development of corresponding innovative methodical support.
The audience of the forum:
1) teachers of the Russian language as a foreign language;
2) teachers of general education subjects in Russian in foreign schools where Russian as a foreign language is taught;
3) students of pedagogical higher education institutions;
4) schoolchildren studying Russian language and in Russian, as well as their parents;
5) class leaders, curators, specialists in educational work in educational institutions

Forum program: 
Date: 09-12-2020
